First shipment 2018

Todat it departs the first shipment of 2018 and the biggest one in our history. It’s headed to Lighthouse Relief on Lesvos and we bring them coats, sweaters, long trousers, bagpacks, socks, underwear and shoes. Always forward! Thank you so much to everyone that has contributed in some way to make this shipment possible.

Mostra d’entitats solidàries i de cooperacio

Aquest dissabte 16 de desembre ens podràs trobar a la mostra d’entitats solidàries de Sant Pere de Ribes. Durant tot el día ens podras preguntar tots els dubtes que tinguis i informar-te de com pots col•laborar amb nosaltres. A la mateixa parada hi farem recollida de pantalons llargs i calçat d’hivern per enviar-lo a Lesvos. Read more about Mostra d’entitats solidàries i de cooperacio[…]

Tree of love – Volunteering in Lesvos

Being a volunteer means to dedicate your time, effort and resources for a cause expecting nothing in return. But the truth is that you receive a lot. You receive gratefulness, new friends, new experiences and it make you open your eyes to a new world. We share this emotional video made by a fellow volunteer Read more about Tree of love – Volunteering in Lesvos[…]

Educational Speech at “El Pi” primary school

On 16/12/2016, at primary school named “El Pi” of Sant Pere de Ribes (Barcelona), we made an educational speech. A lot of children from 3 to 9 years old had a lot of fun listening the story of “El Oso Perigroso” and it’s smiles adventures. They also meet Anskari, a very special dream collector clown that Read more about Educational Speech at “El Pi” primary school[…]

Website improoving

Welcome to Smiles on the Way. We are working to improve the website everyday, apologies if you see any error. If you see an error that is not been fixed in more than one day, please contact us through contact form. Thank you very much!